a deep dive into idea generation & content design for course builders
Special invitation for artists, experts, coaches and healers ready to design courses and programs that facilitate creativity and growth:
If there was a way to plug your knowledge, experience and skillset into a creative course structure that HONORS your unique genius instead of suppressing it…
… would you finally be ALL IN for doing work that’s meant to be exciting and expansive?
If you’re like most artists, healers and creatives I’ve had the pleasure of working with, chances are you’d love nothing better than to share more of your genius with the world.
Problem is…
Everyone’s trying to box you into a one-size-fits-none approach
Sure, maybe it worked for them. But you do things a bit differently, don’t you?
… Maybe your unique way of helping clients and students achieve life-changing results isn’t “paint-by-numbers” obvious.
… Maybe the linear, step-by-step framework that works for that business topics just won’t cut it for your artistic and creative self with SO much more to give than a “simple system.”
… Maybe the results you deliver are more subtle, subjective or experiential.
You haven’t struggled to create your course because you’re lazy or uncommitted–
You’ve struggled because
you’re so tired of being boxed in
Designing your course or program is supposed to feel exciting and expansive.
But between the experts asking you to squeeze your message into a rigid, step-by-step structure — and the sheer overwhelm of trying to organize your vast knowledge WITHOUT any framework to fall back on…
The whole process has just felt like an endless cycle of compromise and overwhelm…
aka a perfect recipe for delay, distraction, and unplanned Netflix binge-fests.
Here’s what’s really going on
As a multi-passionate artist, creative or healer, your unique skills and expertise don’t fit into the usual course structures. And they shouldn’t.
You want to feel amazing and fulfilled about what you’re sharing with the world — in fact, you can’t bring yourself to doing it any other way.
You want to honor all your expertise – and in your heart, you know it would do a disservice to yourself AND your students not to.
The fact that you’ve got years of experience makes you perfectly positioned to create a program – BUT it also means you’ve got years of knowledge to sort through. So the question becomes:
How do you present it up in a fun and doable way that honors your genius and excites your students?
The fastest way to charge more while attracting amazing students is to be fully expressed as a teacher and trainer
If you feel straight-jacketed by your course structure, your students will feel just as stifled.
If you feel like your best stuff is getting chopped off to fit a one-size-fits-all standard, you’ll dread the process and find every reason to abandon it.
On the other hand, when you know how to generate original ideas and then present them with a NEW set of course structures that are more flexible, faster-to-execute, and generous to your own PERSONAL genius…
Then all of a sudden, you’re gifted with the ability to:
- Stand out amidst a sea of generic same-ness
- Create a compelling course experience that WOWs prospective students.
- Offer something SO unique and valuable that price-shopping becomes impossible
- Feel incredible about your process instead of feeling stifled and unfulfilled
The end result?
Your legacy gets to find PROPER expression in a way that feels empowering, easeful, and engaging for both you and your students.
Isn’t it time for you to play by a new set of rules?
Up to now, you’ve been trying to fit your “round-peg” ideas into the traditional “square-hole” course structures. The frustration that results drains your creativity, energy and motivation.
What if you were meant to “break the rules” of course design, just like you have in your own life and career?
And most importantly, what if breaking those rules wasn’t a risky compromise or reckless dive into the unknown — but actually a PROVEN gateway to even GREATER results for both you and your students?
Here’s what you’ve got to know
You CAN have a compelling and successful course even if you’re an artist, healer or creative whose students need to reach goals that aren’t cookie-cutter same, goals that are more subjective and experiential.
You CAN deliver an amazing student or client experience even if the results you deliver don’t have a clear endpoint, aren’t linear, and are almost impossible to detect on the surface level.
You CAN successfully combine your multi-passionate and multi-talented self — and channel that into a program that’s so unique and compelling that the market has no choice but to pay attention.
And if you’re still with me, I’d love nothing more than to show you how to get there.
Step one is to raise the bar on your own expertise and ensure you have a reliable source of new ideas for your paid courses as well as your free content that raises your visibility. Do this by establishing an ongoing practice of mining four “fascinating” teaching sources.
Step two is to design your courses using structures suited to teaching creativity and growth, structures that give your students the immersive learning experiences they’re longing for, structures that provide the blueprint for: short workshops, membership series or course bundles, and even bigger, premium-priced offers.
And now let me introduce:

Finally, a way to develop ideas around your unique expertise, and create an online course with content and a structure that suits YOU.
(No more being boxed in by step-by-step frameworks that don’t reflect your unique genius.)
This is a self-paced, ready-for-you-now program. You can dig in and start using these approaches today. Here’s what’s inside:
MODULE 1: Sources that Fascinate
Create a course that’s 100% original
You don’t want to create another run-of-the-mill online class, and it’s here you find out how to be that expert who creates rich and engaging course experiences your students rave about and eagerly look forward to.
Mining and establishing practices around these four fascinating sources raises the bar on your own expertise and your work as an educator as you ground your work in both foundational and fresh approaches. The ideas you generate with these practices will not only fuel paid courses–they’ll also drive free content for social media, podcast interviews and even signature talks.
Here are the four sources for you to mine:
1. Your Work Pushed. See exactly how to discover and develop original approaches, techniques and tools that make your teaching unique–and that serve your students on their own journeys.
2. Inspiration. Add texture to your teaching, tapping into the connections that add interest and appeal and that fuel your own fresh ideas. Your creative, spiritual, growth-focused, wellness, artistic and healing programs will be richer and more effective.
3. Trends. See the broad connections your special expertise has in our world today, and make programs that are up-to date, current, and exceedingly relevant.
4. Related Fields. Uncover models and techniques, tools and strategies that make it possible to create a layered experience that not only moves your students forward but that also makes them smarter about what it takes to effect real change in their lives and practices.
MODULE 2. Structures that Fascinate
Build a course, membership series, bundle or workshop with one of these 10 structures that don’t use that conventional step-by-step formula.
Having a clear outline for building a course is crucial since ALL the other pieces of your program fall into place from it.
After creating over 100 programs, I totally get that not every course fits into the same framework. I’ve pinpointed 8 course designs here that are particularly well suited to training that doesn’t fit the conventional course outline, training that teaches artistic, creative, growth and healing processes.
These are also structures especially well suited to mini courses, short pop-up programs and workshops.
Maybe you’ve taken a stab at creating a course before but fell off the bandwagon out of sheer overwhelm. In order to charge the amount that would justify all the work you put into it, you felt like you needed to pack in EVERYTHING you know.
But that’s simply not true.
Effective and engaging training can be created with any one of these 10 structures:
Skills-on-Fire Bootcamp: What does it take to truly level up?
Personal Journey: When it’s all about the transformational arc.
Rule Maker Rule Breaker: Foundational tenets taught with a twist that cements understanding.
Borrowed Model: The structure you can steal for a layered learning experience.
Apply Here: Foundational techniques translated for your students’ unique work.
Unexpected Deep Dive: Going down that side alley that compels your most passionate students.
Look Book: Define and provide the models your students can try on to find the perfect fit.
Play Time: When it’s time to stretch your committed students with unexpected challenges.
Editorial: Build your Editorial course around contributors and curated content.
Detailed Lesson and Module Workbooks show you what to do and provide a quick-guide to the content after you’ve watched the lessons.
Use the detailed program workbooks as you establish the practices that keep you generating ideas and understanding how best to teach your expertise in module 1.
As you evaluate and use the 8 structures in module 2 for your own course building, use the workbooks as a quick reference to what the structures are, when to use them, and how to develop course content.
These are resources you should turn to again and again as Frameworks that Fascinate threads through all of your teaching work in the years to come.
Let’s recap what you get inside Frameworks that Fascinate:
- 4 Lessons on the 4 Sources for creating a knock-it-outta-the-park course experience that gets students excited to join your next program.
- 10 Lessons on the 10 Frameworks you can choose from to fit your unique gift. They’re perfect for building a mini-course, pop-up training or workshop FAST.
- Detailed workbooks that guide your work so you can take action easily and get your first course and subsequent courses designed and finished. Lessons are in video and audio formats.
Are you ready to make crafting the experiences your students long for your new jam?
Get immediate access to all lessons and workbooks.
Meet the designer of the Frameworks that Fascinate Method:
Hi. I’m Debbie Hodge, and I’ve run online teaching businesses since 2007, creating and selling over 100 crafty and technical courses. I’ve perfected the process of moving from the germ of an idea to a remarkable design to completed course content.
I’ve been in love with “explaining things” since my first extra-credit report in elementary school. Mix that with my passion for creative endeavors (writing, photography, scrapbooking, web design) plus an MBA, and it makes perfect sense that online teaching and course design is my perfect gig.
Especially since this work has enabled me to work from home and raise two boys up into tall, bearded men.
After years of teaching creative and technical classes, I developed the Frameworks that Fascinate method to help artists, coaches and healers make profitable and effective programs and courses…
… so that they can raise up their own tall and bearded sons. Or generate a new income stream. Or simply do work they love.
What I can tell you about this work is that it is immensely satisfying–pulling together your
creative, logical, and expert-topic skills.
I want to make sure you move the processes that have gotten you exceptional results into a first workshop or mini-course that both transforms and delights your students.
This program includes a 7-day no-questions-asked guarantee.
Know this: Frameworks that Fascinate is a roadmap for channeling your multi-passionate expertise into a program that’s unique, that serves your students with something more than a traditional step-by-step course.
I’m committed to giving you all you need to start thinking about your expertise differently and choosing from one of the fascinating structures to build your own fresh program.
When you enroll, you become part of a special group of course builders who are not going to be boxed in by old structures.
By the end of 7 days, you’ll have had time to get inside and start establishing your own practices around Sources that Fascinate–sources that I hope will become ongoing for you as both a student and a teacher in your field. You can also immediately start evaluating the Structures that Fascinate and developing your own first fascinating course.
If you don’t feel inspired, newly in control of your expertise, and confidently moving toward developing your first fascinating course, reach out within 7 days via teachwhatyoudo.com/contact and let me know. I will refund your investment with no questions asked.
Take a peek at what you’ll learn
- How to create “happy accidents” that lead to your best work yet
- The unusual way to smash creative block (it’s NOT by doing more)
- Why picking up your favorite magazine will make your course better–yes, permission granted to cozy up the latest hot-off-the-press issue!
- Ethically leverage ideas from a totally separate industry
- The Buzzfeed strategy to choosing a course design
- How to generate ideas that add the WOW factor to your program
- Boost enrollment with trend hacking
- What a chocolate chip cookie can teach you about stand-out teaching (It’s not just a tasty treat while pulling a lesson together)
- How to avoid the traditional step-by-step course structure, and what to use instead
- The “Fashion Week” technique for creating a course
- How to fuel idea generation to turn your brain into a cherry-producing slot machine
Are you ready to make crafting the experiences your students long for your new jam?
Get immediate access to all lessons and workbooks.
Questions I’m Hearing Before Folks Enroll in Frameworks that Fascinate
Q: Typical course structures don’t work for me because what I teach requires my students to do internal or creative work. Work that can’t be taught in “5 discrete steps” but is instead more ongoing and subjective.
You’re totally right that when you’re teaching students to be creative or to develop personally, you need to lean on a different approach. The 10 fascinating structures here give you 10 different routes into this work.
It turns out that creativity and personal growth can be developed and offered inside an online course. It’s just about choosing the right framework, exercises and prompts needed to facilitate the transformation. All things I’ll show you how to do inside Frameworks That Fascinate.
Q. This is sacred work to me. I want and need to get it right, but I’m not sure I’m ready to do it yet.
You’ll also connect what you’re teaching to foundational fields in your area of expertise so that your teaching is layered and effective, and your students understand why this process you teach matters.
Q. I don’t have much of an email list yet. Is it really the right time for me to do this?
That’s OK. If you’re new to this work, you’re still developing your message, your offer and your understanding of just who needs to hear what you’ve got to say.
A first fascinating workshop or mini-course created with one of the 10 structures here will quickly give you a tool for building your list — while generating some revenue to fund the process.
With the course created, you can start speaking to the challenges you know your people face, as well as the work of addressing them. You’ll also be super clear on what to pitch to podcasts, what to write or livestream about, and what angles to take in your social media posts.
Bottom line is: As an online business owner, building your list is always going to be a core activity. No exceptions.
Question is: Would you rather build your list from a place of stuckness — or from a place of having just completed an incredible course or workshop that you’re ready to share with the world?
Which one feels more confident, expansive and profitable to you?
Q. Will this make me a better teacher?
Unlike other courses that lump “how to teach” under the work of course outline and video creation, each of the 10 structures here come with examples and details on exactly how to teach with this framework. By considering your expertise through the lens of each structure, the possibilities for your teaching expand.
The 4 sources and accompanying workbooks in module 1 raise the bar on how you approach your expertise, pushing your knowledge and practices and revealing foundational and related models that guide your teaching.
Q. I’m already so busy. Will I have time to go through this?
This program is about giving you a route to speedy course creation. While all of the lessons in Frameworks that Fascinate can be viewed in about 2 hours, you can also take a shortcut. Grab any one of the 10 structures that inspires you, and run with it to create a mini-course. Or go with a live workshop streamed live instead of setting up all that classroom tech.
Q. Can you remind me of everything I’m getting?
- 4 Lessons on the 4 Sources for creating a knock-it-outta-the-park course experience that gets students excited to join your next program.
- 10 Lessons on the 10 Frameworks you can choose from to fit your unique gift. They’re perfect for building a mini-course, pop-up training or workshop FAST.
- Detailed workbooks that guide your work so you can take action easily and get your first course and subsequent courses designed and finished. Lessons are in video and audio formats.
How to be absolutely sure you’re ready to step into Frameworks that Fascinate
Check off three or more of these, and come on in!
1. Your skills, experience and unique genius CAN’T be put into a simple box. You’re super proud of this, and excited to dive into 10 fresh (and rarely-used) course frameworks better tailored for creators like you.
2. You’re an experienced healer, artist, creative, therapist or spiritual coach whose “deliverables” aren’t hard and tangible with a clear endpoint. Up to now you’ve felt like this has been a limiting factor in creating an online course — but are now starting to see how it’s actually a gift to be honored and celebrated!
3. You’re willing to dive into the 10 unique course structures with an open and curious mind to see which fits best for your unique way of doing things.
4. You feel super comfortable knowing that you have 7 days to go through the ENTIRE program before making a final decision. If for whatever reason you’re not overflowing with newfound excitement and inspiration around your course, you can simply send an email to support@debbiehodge.com and we’ll send every dollar back. No questions asked. No hard feelings.
5. You’re ready to put any past missteps behind you, and joyfully recommit to putting your life’s work into a course or program that serves more people in an exciting and profitable way
Are you ready to make crafting the experiences your students long for your new jam?
Get immediate access to all lessons and workbooks.
I know it’s not easy. I know it often feels like the “online game” is stacked against you. And I know that it often feels like the more creative, subtle or experiential magic you offer is devalued and deprived of its proper place in the online course world.
But I personally believe it’s time for us to rewrite that story and let your genius shine in the way it was meant to.
Your work deserves it.
Your clients and students deserve it.
But most importantly… YOU deserve it
I’m SO appreciative of your trust in me, and sincerely hope we get the chance to meet inside Frameworks That Fascinate.
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