Use templates for teaching, branding, social media, classroom setup and list building: in 6 styles.
You don’t need to be slowed down in your course-building work by a need to design and create your teaching slides, lead magnets, social media images, and classroom graphics.
This BIG library of templates supplies starting points for all of these graphics, and—what’s more—in SIX STYLES so that you can easily adapt them for looks that range from meditative to whimsical to business-professional.
The template sets have you covered for creating:
- teaching slides,
- course logos and classroom badges,
- website, social media, and ads graphics,
- infographic-styled listable lead magnets.
The templates are in Powerpoint format and easily converted to Keynote. This means you own all the graphics and don’t need to use any ongoing design tool subscription to do edits. All shapes are editable in size, shape and transparency. All fonts are free-for-commercial-use Google fonts and editable.
You will turn to this library again and again: early on when you’re making a course logo and lead magnet, farther along your journey when you’re making teaching slides and designing your classroom, and then at the end when you’re creating launch and ads graphics.

- Class Logo / Classroom Badges / Facebook Ads (in 6 styles)
- Listable/Infographic-Styled “5 Things” Lead Magnets (in 6 styles)
- Square Graphics for Social Media and Website (6 styles)
- Tower Graphics for Pinterest and Website Sidebar (6 styles)
- Icons for Classroom Representing: Video, Audio, Slides Deck,Transcript, Worksheet, Checklist, Tech, Bonus (5 styles including woodgrain and epoxy button)
- Slide Decks for Teaching (10 slides per deck in 5 styles)

and I’ve run online teaching businesses since 2007, creating and selling over 100 crafty and technical courses.
I’ve been in love with “explaining things” since my first extra-credit report in elementary school. Mix that with my passion for creative endeavors (writing, photography, scrapbooking, web design) plus an MBA, and it makes perfect sense that online teaching is my perfect gig.
I’d love to work with you on your own online teaching business.

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