you're still on the list! Asset 10

thanks so much for sticking around

I’ll be emailing you soon about our spring sales bootcamp.

Want a peek? Scroll on down and take a look at the content in Pillar 3 of the eCourse Blueprint. That’s the foundation of our 6-week bootcamp.

Enroll in the eCourse Blueprint right now to get started with any of the 3 Pillars (course, platform, sales) immediately and then join us when the bootcamp starts up.

Artists, experts, coaches and healers:

What if:

you could pour your knowledge and experience into a course that honors your unique genius (instead of fitting it into a one-size-fits-all box)?

And what if:

you could build a sales system to confidently launch and enroll students (instead of nervously fretting that you "hate to sell")?

provides clear guides, strategy, and support so that you can create a unique course, develop a reliable selling system, and establish your online platform.

If you're like most experts and creatives I've had the pleasure of working with, chances are you'd love nothing better than to share more of your genius with the world.

the problem is . . . Asset 10

You don't want your hard-won expertise packaged into a generic how-to that looks like a $19 Udemy course.

You know the impact you can have, but to honor the full extent of your expertise, you need to create a course that goes beyond stepped-out concepts and how-tos, a course that delivers the kind of unique and expansive experience your students want--and deserve!

The sheer overwhelm of trying to organize your vast knowledge without any framework to fall back on feels like an endless cycle of compromise and overwhelm…

a.k.a. a perfect recipe for delay, distraction, another round of Words with Friends, and a nap.

You're nervous about--and maybe even bewildered by--selling online.

Who do you sell to online? How do you find them, and what do you say?

You don't want to sound pushy.

You're not sure you can do all those things you've heard are necessary: building a mailing list, posting to social media, and showing up on live video . . .

. . . though, of course you're up for giving absolutely any of it a try IF ONLY you had a guide that showed you HOW, that helped you avoid losing time, money and dignity.

To top all this off, when it comes to setting up websites, classrooms, and email tools, you're overwhelmed by the choices.

Tool after tool pops up on your radar, often with discounts you're afraid to miss, and accompanying demands for a long-term commitment you're in no way ready to make.

Each of these shiny objects beckons, distracting you from doing the truly essential first work of figuring out what you should teach in order to stand out in the market and delight your students in the classroom.

How would it feel . . . Asset 10

to create an online course that spotlights your unique genius, gets your students remarkable results, and has your Stripe account pinging predictable transfers to your bank?

Here's what that looks like


You start your work by getting clear on the techniques and strategies that make your expertise special . . . so that you create undeniable value in your course . . . which makes enrolling a no-brainer for your ideal students. It also gives you confidence in pricing and marketing--there's no need to worry when you know you've got what people need.


As you create, you'll use a course structure that harnesses your unique methodologies. Do this so that you can lay out an appealing and effective "Yellow Brick Road," a path that your students will confidently follow to get their own remarkable results. Hello, happy customers.


Getting clarity on the important platform choices a course builder must make means that you can choose and set up your web home, your classroom and your email tool. Goodbye, tech rabbit holes.


You'll master lesson development and make sure that you're effectively teaching at the "creative crossroads" (that's what I call the point where students cannot just copy you to get the results they need). Finish up by layering on mindset coaching, record your lessons, and you are teaching to stand out.


Once you build out your own audience-building routines and assets, you'll be getting in front of ideal fresh prospects every day. If you use a mix of automated and real-time content, the work feels doable, and you see an ever-growing email list.


Your selling anxiety slips away when you've got templates and guides to map out your irresistible offer, create a sales page, and compose an email series that's designed to convert both fans and fence-sitters.


Develop your launch event, execute, enroll students--and then tweak and repeat to build your own reliable selling system. The magic is in the iterations (please tell me you're not a fan of reinventing the wheel every 6 months).

It’s time to finally get down to the game-changing work of creating your own profitable online course,

but it depends on doing things differently Asset 10

It depends on using the 3-Pillar Framework {and hands-on support} inside the eCourse Blueprint


Get beyond the predictable, humdrum approach to course creation, and develop a program that gives your students an expansive and value-packed experience.


Choose and integrate the right-for-you online tools for audience building, selling, and program delivery. They become assets working for you again and again.


Create a reliable selling system that gives you confidence and processes for predictably enrolling new students by launching, tweaking, and iterating.

meet the creator of Asset 10

the eCourse Blueprint 3-Pillar Course Builder's Framework

Hi. I'm Debbie Hodge, and I've run online teaching businesses since 2007, creating and selling over 100 crafty and technical courses.

I've been in love with "explaining things" since my first extra-credit report in elementary school. Mix that with my passion for creative endeavors (writing, photography, scrapbooking, web design) plus an MBA, and it makes perfect sense that online teaching and course design is my perfect gig.

Especially since this work has enabled me to work from home and raise two boys up into tall, bearded men.

After years of teaching creative and technical classes, I developed the eCourse Blueprint to help would-be course creators make profitable, results-getting programs and courses...

... so that they can raise up their own tall and bearded sons. Or quit the 9-to-5 gig. Or simply do work they love.

What I can tell you about this work is that it is immensely satisfying--pulling together your creative, logical, and expert-topic skills.

I want to make sure you move the processes that have gotten you exceptional results into your own profitable online courses.

Get started with the eCourse Blueprint today

the complete self-paced eCourse Blueprint + 4-pack of bonuses

$997  $398




3-Pillar eCourse Blueprint self-paced program with 35+ recorded lessons and workbooks. Access to content inside Blueprint classroom through Dec 2023 with all video lessons, transcripts, and workbooks downloadable.


    • Graphics templates for teaching slides and workbooks (Powerpoint and Canva formats)
    • First Funnels for Course Builders (mini course)
    • 6 Idea Goldmines for Generating Expert Content (video workshop with workbook)
    • How to Make a Visual Framework (video lesson with workbook)

    a look inside Asset 10

    the eCourse Blueprint

    PILLAR 1

    your course

    the quick look:

    Module 1: Course Promise

    Decide what to teach in order succeed in the market while also delighting your students.

    Module 2: Course Design

    Develop a rich outline that incorporates your own unique methodology.

    Module 3: Course Creation

    Determine all aspects of course delivery and create lessons that have you teaching to stand out.


    scroll for a closer look >>

    Your Course | Module 1


    Define the BIG PROMISE that serves a ready audience while leveraging your unique talents. Without this work, you'll struggle to create content that stands out and that people will actually buy.

    Here's the work you'll do: 

    • Understand your talents from several angles
    • Do audience research
    • Define a big promise that people want and that you can uniquely deliver
    • Define the ideal student you'll serve (and their current situation)

    Your Course | Module 2


    Develop a rich and detailed course outline that integrates your unique methodology (we'll call it the "Yellow-Brick-Road" path) that students can follow to get the outcome they desire. Without this work you'll struggle to create content that is both unique and effective: you'll have something closer to a $19 Udemy how-to than a rich and remarkable course.

    The work here:

    • Understand structures
    • Understand methodology and how to discover and develop
    • Create a RICH outline of your course that incorporates the right structure and your methodology
    • Name your course
    • Choose first branding elements for your course

    Your Course | Module 3


    Define delivery aspects of your course and create complete course content in the best format for you and your students. Without this work, you'll struggle to turn your outline into cohesive, well-paced, results-getting lessons.

    Your work here:

    • Determine lesson venues, formats, pacing and touch
    • Choose and acquire your lesson creation tools
    • Develop processes for lesson creation
    • Turn your outline into scripts and/or storyboards
    • Create lessons

    PILLAR 2

    your online platform

    the quick look:

    Module 1: Web Home

    Choose a platform and establish your web home (your main website) with key content for establishing your authority with the right audience.

    Module 1: Classroom

    Choose your classroom platform, set it up and integrate with payment and email tools. Be sure to use the setup-test checklist before you start enrolling students.

    Module 3: Email

    Choose and set up your email tool, including getting your first list opt-in on your website and adding contacts.


    scroll for a closer look >>

    Your Online Platform | Module 1


    Get your roadmap to choosing a website platform and adding the essential content to it. Without a simple and clear website that integrates with your email tool, you'll struggle to build authority and your email list.

    Here's the work you'll do:

    • Understand the work your web home does
    • Understand your options for a web home platform and choose one
    • Add essential first content to your web home

    Your Online Platform | Module 2


    Get your roadmap to choosing, setting up and integrating a classroom platform with your web home and email tool. When you let this choice drag on--or when you choose based on what you "hear on the streets" you waste time on what should be a simple decision and you risk not having the features you need.

    The work you'll do:

    • Understand the work your classroom does and the key integration points
    • Understand the options for a classroom platform and choose one
    • Integrate your classroom with payment and email tools
    • Set up online hosting services for pdf, audio and video files

    Your Online Platform | Module 3


    Get your roadmap to the work an email tool does, its key integration points and recommendations for a tool well suited to classroom integration and list creation for course builders. Without this tool, you'll struggle to build an email list, and, thus, to sell your course.

    On tap with this module:

    • Understand the work of an email tool and top options
    • Choose your email tool and set up your account
    • Create a first mailing list opt-in and put it onto your website

    PILLAR 3 

    your selling system

    the quick look:

    Module 1: Build & Nurture Your Audience

    Build an audience using both free content and paid traffic--and then be sure to grow their know-like-and-trust feelings about you with solid nurture.

    Module 2: First Validating Offer

    Validate your ideas and your market with a first mini-course or beta offer.

    Module 3: Sell Your Course

    Develop your offer, launch event, sales page and emails-written-to-convert. Get them in place, launch and then iterate offer time to refine your selling system.


    scroll for a closer look >>

    Your Selling System | Module 1


    Establish processes for the ongoing, regular work of using free content to create and grow an engaged audience of prospects for your paid course. If you skip this work, you will struggle to run a profitable online teaching business.

    This work has you doing the following:

    • Understand the "funnel" for finding cold prospects and turning them into warm leads
    • Develop your plan for creating and sharing free content
    • Create a list-building lead magnet and broadcast its availability
    • Accelerate your list-building work with paid ads

    Your Selling System | Module 2


    Evaluate two key routes for creating first paid offers nimbly and affordably. When you go straight to a full premium course and launch without this step, it will take you more time and money (in the long run) to establish a profitable online teaching business.

    You will:

    • Understand how making "nimble" offers works
    • Get a roadmap to creating a mini course
    • Get a roadmap to creating a beta offer of a bigger course

    Your Selling System | Module 3


    Use a step-by-step process and complete templates to create all of your selling assets, including an offer with urgency, sales page, launch plan, and emails that sell. Without all of these pieces, your offer will not speak to the key pain points, benefits, and possibilities that turn the right prospects for your course into paying students.

    You will:

    • Define your complete offer
    • Price your course
    • Create a long-form sales page (and with the writing on it, solidify your messaging) 
    • Develop your launch plan
    • Write a series of emails that close the deal

    bonuses to accelerate and amplify your results Asset 10

    bonus no. 1

    Graphics Templates for Workbook and Slides

    Using visuals well in your teaching–especially in the online venues–makes you a more effective teacher. Rather than presenting a ho-hum series of bulleted slides, bring your content to life by illustrating relationships and parts of a whole, by conveying the overall lesson framework and key processes your students needs to master, and by incorporating examples that make execution easier for your students.

    Add a well-designed workbook to your course and your students have a guide to getting important work done.

    This bonus includes workbook and slide templates designed by Amy Kingsford for use in Canva (workbook and slides) and Powerpoint (slides). Also included is a customization guide that shows you exactly how to edit the slides for your own branding and content. 

    bonus no. 2

    First Funnels for Online Course Builders

    Four video lessons (with transcripts, slides, and funnel diagrams) give you a roadmap to the tech and flow of funnel creation and setup.

    The Simple Email Funnel is great for introducing your first validating offers to the market AND for special promotions such as Black Friday.

    Use the Launch Event Funnel when you’re adding in a launch tool like a webinar, video series or challenge.

    The Evergreen Funnel is the next step when you’re ready to make expiring offers of your course every day.

    This work is taught so that you can use our own robust email marketing software. You do not need to purchase an extra “funnel tech” tool.


    bonus no. 3

    6 Idea Goldmines for Generating Fresh Expert Content

    Uncovering and developing content that provides value is crucial work for a course builder–especially as you develop your own proprietary systems (i.e., your own “Yellow Brick Road” to results).

    When you can surprise and delight with fresh and unexpected approaches, you’re creating courses that stand out and give you confidence in pricing and making offers. That’s when you can teach the truly passionate students who want to move beyond first how-tos and immerse themselves in growth and study.

    This video workshop steps through 6 “goldmines” readily available for plumbing. See exactly how to push the work you’re already doing and understand related sources for study and development. The workbook that accompanies this workshop gives you a step-by-step path to the work.

    bonus no. 4

    How to Make a Visual Framework for Your Course

    What if you could not only describe your unique course process, but you could also show it in a visual framework–so it’s even more clear?

    This bonus lesson (video + workbook) give you the roadmap for creating visual frameworks including:

    ➢ Three key shapes to use
    ➢ Four types of frameworks you can build, and
    ➢ A seven-step process for creating your


    Get started with the eCourse Blueprint today

    the complete self-paced eCourse Blueprint + 4-pack of bonuses

    $997  $398




    3-Pillar eCourse Blueprint self-paced program with 35+ recorded lessons and workbooks. Access to content inside Blueprint classroom through Dec 2023 with all video lessons, transcripts, and workbooks downloadable.


      • Graphics templates for teaching slides and workbooks (Powerpoint and Canva formats)
      • First Funnels for Course Builders (mini course)
      • 6 Idea Goldmines for Generating Expert Content (video workshop with workbook)
      • How to Make a Visual Framework (video lesson with workbook)

      Kids Can Academy

      "After months of wondering which course to start with, what platform to use, and how to even begin to organize the material and get it online, I have finally broken through the confusion/ angst/ indecision and set up several online courses. Being able to help parents and teachers move their struggling kids forward without losing time with family and friends is an absolute game changer."

      Read Story

      Katy Huller, Kids Can Academy

      I teach parents and teachers how to get their struggling kids reading, writing, and doing basic math despite memory, processing, retrieval, and other learning issues

      After months of wondering which course to start with, what platform to use, and HOW to even begin to organize the material and get it online, I have finally broken through the confusion/angst/indecision and set up several online courses.

      This is an absolute game changer! To be able to help others through my courses while I am busy doing other things is an amazing shift for me. It allows me to reach more people and help more people without losing more time with my family and friends. I also love that these courses can outlive me! I have seen so many kids empowered by learning to read and write, and I have always wanted a way for my knowledge to continue to help people in need even after I am no longer around. Understanding how to bundle my knowledge into courses that are available at any time of day has been a true gift.

      Debbie has been instrumental in helping me stay on track throughout this sometimes overwhelming process. She has always answered my questions whenever I have had them, and has been a calming guide every step along the way, particularly when I was just beginning and was stuck in mountains of confusion and indecision. She has a special way of making the complicated simple, and she is a treasure of knowledge when it comes to course making. Above all, the accessibility she has provided over the years through her Facebook groups and scheduled calls has been incredible. She is truly there when you need her!

      Blue Borage

      "Releasing my very first mini course on 1/1/20 felt momentous, and now launching a summer school (I'm in New Zealand) on 1/1/21 is equally satisfying. Goodness knows what I'll be doing by 1/1/22!  Debbie's teaching approach is really grounding, and I always come off a call feeling calm and confident, with a clear path to follow and logical steps to get to the next milestone in my teaching of composting and edible gardening. "

      Read Story

      Katrina Wolff, Blue Borage

      Releasing my very first mini course on 1/1/20 felt momentous, and now launching a summer school on 1/1/21 is equally satisfying. Goodness knows what I'll be doing by 1/1/22! Debbie's teaching approach is really grounding, and I always come off a call feeling calm and confident, with a clear path to follow and logical steps to get to the next milestone in my teaching of composting and edible gardening.

      This has felt like a year of procrastination, as I have a range of client work outside of my online courses. But every time I sit down to ponder my five year plan, the online courses are a consistent element in my future income generation.
      When the Covid19 pandemic made most of my normal work teaching composting and edible gardening impossible, it just seemed logical to put more time into creating a wider range of online courses, and bring my five year plan into a two year timeframe.

      Right now, this means that over the Christmas/New Year summer holiday, I can take a rest from face-to-face client work, pause one part of my business, in order to develop my online courses. It feels like resting within my work, and I can still generate income without leaving the house.

      Debbie's approach as a teacher is really grounding, and I always come off a call feeling calm and confident, with a clear path to follow and logical steps to get to the next milestone. Just watching the videos in the Ecourse Blueprint is often enough to get me back on track with refining things.

      I remember coming into the course as a newbie and feeling awed by the progress that others were making. Now that I've tried a few things out, I know that there is actually ample time to tweak and revise things. Slow and steady feels so much better than trying to push something out rapidly, which was my initial approach to this work.

      An extra benefit was being able to pop into an eCourse-Bluepring affiliated Facebook group dedicated to Facebook lives just to practise my studio set-up, and get feedback on the sound equipment I was planning to use. I was SO nervous about going live on Facebook, and knowing there were only friendly and supportive 'Teach What You Do' classmates in that group put my mind at ease.

      I later created my own private Facebook group when I was ready to do my live demonstrations to my own audience. That group now has over 300 people and I have closed it to newcomers unless they have purchased one of my online courses. As each month passes, I feel like my confidence is growing, and I'm starting to better appreciate the value of the work I am doing.

      Cranberry Beads

      "I started my teaching journey with a free mini course and several Zoom workshops. Finally, I launched The Cranberry Bead Weaving Club, a membership that complements my bead-selling business where customers are always wanting to learn more techniques. The eCourse Blueprint broke the work into easily manageable steps, and I trusted Debbie who spoke my language. The coaching calls are a great help."

      Read Story


      I started my teaching journey with a free mini course and Zoom workshops. Finally, I launched The Cranberry Bead Weaving Club, a membership that complements my bead-selling business where customers are always wanting to learn more techniques.

      Debbie made the whole process seem doable, she spoke my language and I trusted what she was saying. Each section of the work was broken down to easily managable steps with the eCourse Blueprint. The workbooks are great, well worth taking the time to complete as it made me think of things I may have missed. Getting a consistent look to the courses was critical, the templates and advice on this really helped. There is still work to do to improve and build on, so I continue to go back and review lessons from time to time. The coaching calls are great. It helps hearing other people share issues and I received great feedback on my sales page.

      this self-paced program includes a

      7-day no-questions asked money-back guarantee

      Know this: the eCourse Blueprint is a roadmap for building three important assets for any expert: Your Course (and unique methodology), Your Online Platform, and Your Selling System.

      I’m committed to giving you all you need to create the assets and more your expertise forward with teaching.

      When you enroll, you become part of a special group of course builders who are committed to having true impact with their expertise.

      By the end of 7 days, you’ll have had time to get inside and experience several lessons. You’ll be able to evaluate the scope of the program, the value of the content, and how it is delivered.

      If you don’t feel inspired and confident that this will be a valuable resource for your work, reach out within 7 days via and let us know. We will refund your investment with no questions asked.

      the important questions would-be course builders ask

      before enrolling in the eCourse Blueprint

      Q: I'm brand new to online teaching and selling. Is the work of the eCourse Blueprint going to be too advanced or too hard for me as a newbie?

      It’s true that the eCourse Blueprint is not a skeletal survey of the topic: the concepts you’ll apply are intermediate to advanced.

      While there’s a lot of meat on the bones of our 37 jam-packed lessons, everything is clearly laid out and the concepts are simple to learn and apply. What’s key is that you show up and do the work.

      I love how Blueprint student and course builder Jen Buchanan described it:

      “There is no fluff in the course, just heaps and heaps of useful and relevant information. Debbie Hodge is the most genuine, generous and competent course instructor anyone could hope for.”

      Q: There's no way I can justify investing my time and money to make a course that only sells for $49. It's just not worth it to me---but how do I get someone to pay $297 or $497 or even $997 for a course?

      I feel the same exact way about $49 courses and the value of my efforts.

      And I’ve worked with hundreds of students who have this same trepidation. And that’s why I developed a method-first approach to course structure and design.

      That’s why, with the eCourse Blueprint, a BENEFIT-LADEN BIG PROMISE comes before the course topic and outline.

      That’s why your early course-design focus is on identifying and developing strategies and techniques that comprise your own unique methodology.

      That’s why you’ll spend so much time on the outline, using module worksheets that have you ensuring:

      • every piece in your course delivers a key milestone,
      • every piece in your course puts your students into a new state of thinking-feeling-doing.
      • all the pieces of your course are sequenced to build student achievements toward that final big outcome.

      That’s why you’ll develop lessons that have you teaching to stand out:

      • using recurring lesson arcs
      • weaving lecture and “demo”
      • teaching at the “creative crossroads” (so that students get unique outcomes instead of copying you)
      • layering on invaluable mindset coaching.

      One of my top priorities in creating the course content is getting you to a position in which you’re offering undeniable value that commands a premium price.

      Q: Do you teach the tech of creating and setting up my course?

      In the eCourse Blueprint, tech areas are covered with an approach that starts by laying out the top options and presenting a framework for choosing what works best for:

      • your particular course,
      • your budget, and
      • your skills.

      Next, you get a path and strategy for doing the work of using your tool. But you’ll also need to use the step-by-steps from the vendor of the product you choose.

      Tech areas covered inside the eCourse Blueprint with this approach I just described include:

      • ​the lesson creation tools you’ll need (i.e., software, lights, camera, microphone, tripod)
      • ​the difference between lesson development and production and a strategy for each
      • file formats, storage and hosting
      • ​choosing your web home platform and the key content that should go on it
      • ​choosing your classroom platform, the steps for integrating a classroom with email and payment gateway, and a process for testing the setup before you start enrolling students
      • ​choosing your email tool + a stepped out how-to for setting up a first optin using ActiveCampaign
      • ​understanding basic Facebook Ads elements and strategy–and the first pieces you should get set up with pointers to the Facebook how-tos for each

      Here’s a list of the 37 lessons inside the program. Looking at it shows you the specific topics covered: LESSON DIRECTORY

      Q: I want to do this, but I'm already overcommitted, overstretched and overloaded. How much time will this take?

      I hear you. I’ve retreated to the guest room to work late and then woken the next morning with my laptop right there next to me.

      I’ve taken dinner to my office and spent Saturdays working instead of gardening.

      I’ve said “no” to new projects that would run off the margins of my Full Focus Planner.

      But here’s the thing…

      Creating an online course and selling system frees up time for you in the long run. It makes it possible to serve 15 (or even 50) clients in a week instead of 5. It means saying hello to friends and family on the weekend instead of begging off once again.

      And you know this. You know that you could escape your current grind IF you had a profitable online course.

      There’s no one answer about how much time this will take because it depends on the scope of your course, the time you can commit each week, and the assets you need to create for your particular online platform.

      Here’s what I can promise you: when you show up on the regular (whatever your regular is) the work accumulates.

      At Teach What You Do, we’re big fans of working in layers–of getting that first course made and selling. Then you polish and refine, tweaking that first offer–or growing or transforming it, always building on what you’ve already created and established

      Your course content transforms and grows and improves. Your classroom is an asset that holds more and more students and programs. The pieces of your selling system–free content, sales page, converting emails–become models to improve on to use as models for new offers.

      Here is a realistic timeline when you enroll in the eCourse Blueprint:


      You’ll have your username and password–

      –and access to all 37 lessons inside the eCourse Blueprint.


      You’ll get back inside the classroom, and:

      • Print the lesson roadmaps as well as the workbooks for the first program modules


      You’ll have worked through the four lessons in the first module.

      And that means you’ll be feeling excited (and relieved) to know who your first course will serve–and HOW. You’ll have defined a benefit-laden big promise that you know people want and that you know you’re well equipped to deliver


      You will have a multi-page, rich and detailed course outline created that will guide your lesson creation work.

      The outline will be more than a bulleted or skeletal listing of lessons and worksheets.

      It will be a result of:

      • developing your own unique “big how” methodology coming out of the very techniques you know so well
      • using the Course-Builder’s Structure Lookbook to give your program the shape it needs
      • following a 7-step Rich Outline Process to get the work done
      • building out milestone overviews that ensure every module pulls its weight and stacks up the value.


      You will have:

      • chosen any of your online platform pieces that weren’t already established: your web home, your classroom, and your email tool–and used the “start-simple” philosophy to get key pieces in place.
      • named your class and chosen key branding elements for it.
      • set up a first list-building lead magnet and begun sharing it with the world


      You will have:

      • put processes in place for adding new people to your audience every day.
      • created a first validating offer and recorded lessons for it.


      You will:

      • use the guides and templates inside the eCourse Blueprint to create a sales page, a launch plan, and emails that sell (emails like these you’re reading right now!)
      • put your launch out into the world and begin enrolling students.


      With at least one course and the selling system for it created, you’ll be iterating and making tweaks to improve your teaching effectiveness and course profitability–so that you can earn predictable revenues from this first course.

      Q: Which tools do you use and what else will I need to buy?

      While I sometimes recommend tools, I support you in choosing those that best match your course content, your budget, and your skills.
      ​Some courses are best taught with a webcam and slides while others require lighting and cameras and tripods for a hands-on demo.

      ​Some students are happily using a hosted classroom like Teachable or Thinkific while others need something more custom and, thus, use a WordPress membership plugin.
      ​Some students go with my favorite email tool, ActiveCampaign, while others have used something else for years and aren’t ready to switch.
      ​You will need to invest in a basic website and an email service provider. You could wait on the classroom and sell a first idea-validating course with an ecommerce tool. I do believe that purchasing either ScreenFlow or Camtasia is important for video editing and screen capture videos.
      ​Here are some estimated prices for first year services.
      ​Domain ($14/year), Hosting ($5/month), WordPress Theme ($70/year), Backups & Security ($100/year)
      ​OR something like Squarespace ($12/month)
      ​Free to $150/year to start
      ​Thinkific, Teachable, Kajabi, Kartra ($29 to $100+/month at basic level)
      ​OR WordPress plugin ($197/year + website costs detailed above)
      ​Zoom, GoToMeeting (free to $40/month)

      • A webcam for teaching in live webinar sessions or live on social media. You can also use it to record straight-to-camera teaching—but your phone camera might get you higher quality. You could use the Logitech c920 which is about $70. The Logitech Brio is great for lower light and is what I use. It’s $199.
      • A microphone for recording lessons and teaching live. The Blue Snowball is about $50. The Blue Yeti is a step up.
      • ​Lighting if you’ll be on camera. The Neewer ring lights are good affordable options running $100-$130
      • ​Software for making slides. Powerpoint or Keynote are good choices. Powerpoint is a part of Microsoft Office at $10/month.
      • ​Software for recording and editing videos. I recommend either Camtasia or Screenflow. Camtasia is around $250.
      Q: I've already signed up for a bunch of course-building-how-to trainings. Challenges, videos, webinars, and even paid courses are filling my Dropbox folders, and I STILL haven't got my own program done and selling. How will this program be any different?

      At Teach What You Do, we believe that an online course is your STAGE:

      • for having a true impact (with ripples) in this world,
      • for reaching and building a tribe,
      • for expressing your unique genius,
      • for making money in a way that you control.

      To that end, the training here uses an integrated and wholistic approach to the work, giving you training on the three key pillars needed to get your impactful course to market–emphasizing the importance of leveraging your own proven strategies and technniques to creative something that’s truly unique and effective.

      At Teach What You Do, we know that while you might create a course in 12 weeks, the work of growing an online teaching business is going to take more time. This work goes on and on as you grow and develop your business. That’s why you get ONGOING access to the content and any updates. Right now we are going on year 6 with 3 complete revisions of the content.

      Q. Can you remind me what I get when I enroll today?

      Yes! You’ll get:

      The complete program with 9 modules and 37 lessons. Every lesson includes captioned videos, transcript, audio, slides, and workbook.

      • Pillar 1 Your Course (3 modules, 16 lessons)
      • Pillar 2 Your Online Platform (3 modules, 9 lessons)
      • Pillar 3 Your Selling System (3 modules, 13 lessons)

      Bonus #1: Community & Group Coaching.

      Ongoing lifetime* access to our private community on Facebook and twice-monthly coaching calls. If you cannot attend live, submit your question ahead of time and watch the time-stamped recordings.

      “Lifetime” is a minimum of 12 months and for as long as I teach this course. It’s been going since December 2015 and was completely updated in December 2020. All that to say, I’m planning on several more years of teaching this program.

      Bonus #2: 6 Idea Goldmines for Generating Expert Content.

      This 45-minute recorded workshop (video + transcript + slides + workbook) gets you exploring 6 areas that can have you generating new course and free content ideas–and especially exploring new angles for your teaching that are fresh, that creating an engaging journey for your students.

      Bonus #3: First Funnels for Online Course Builders.

      A 4-lesson minicourse covering the flow and tech of 3 funnels: the simple email funnel, a launch-event funnel (i.e., webinar, video series, challenge), and an evergreen funnel.

      FULL-PAY BONUS. If you pay in full today, you get a 50-minute coaching call with Debbie. Schedule it any time in the first 90 days (though if you need a bit more time, you can let me know).

      still not sure Asset 10

      the eCourse Blueprint is right for you?

      Check off five or more of these, and come on in!

      1. Your skills, experience and unique genius CAN’T be put into a simple box. You’re super proud of this, and excited to dive into the method-first process of course creation better tailored for creators like you.

      2. You're just getting started with your online course building efforts and want to make sure you do this right from the get-go by using the most up-to-date and direct processes.


      3. You’re an experienced healer, artist, creative, therapist or spiritual coach who knows how to get remarkable results for yourself and clients. Up to now you've struggled to get your processes translated into an online program--but you're starting to see that this is possible AND to understand the greater impact you can have.


      4. You’re willing to dive into the 3-pillar process with an open and curious mind and the commitment to working through the process to develop your unique course and effective selling system.


       5. You're already regularly working to develop your expertise in unique ways. It would be immensely rewarding to see the impact others could have using these same approaches you've developed--and that's a big motivator for creating a course that spreads their use.


      6. You love the prospect of building out your own methodology so that it has clear and substantial value which enables you to create a course that commands a premium price.


      7. You're relieved to have a step-by-step process for creating (and refining) the key assets for marketing your course and enrolling your very first students. 


      8. You feel super comfortable knowing that you have 7 days to get inside the program and see exactly what's inside and how it's delivered. You can evaluate the value delivered in at least one or two modules. If the program doesn't feel like the right tool for you, reach out via and we’ll send every dollar back. No hard feelings.


      9. You’re ready to put any past missteps behind you and joyfully recommit to putting your life’s work into a course or program that serves more people in an exciting and profitable way.

      Get started with the eCourse Blueprint today

      the complete self-paced eCourse Blueprint + 4-pack of bonuses

      $997  $398




      3-Pillar eCourse Blueprint self-paced program with 35+ recorded lessons and workbooks. Access to content inside Blueprint classroom through Dec 2023 with all video lessons, transcripts, and workbooks downloadable.


        • Graphics templates for teaching slides and workbooks (Powerpoint and Canva formats)
        • First Funnels for Course Builders (mini course)
        • 6 Idea Goldmines for Generating Expert Content (video workshop with workbook)
        • How to Make a Visual Framework (video lesson with workbook)

        are you coming? Asset 10

        I believe your mission matters

        If you've gotten this far, I applaud your desire to spotlight your hard-earned knowledge in an online course.

        So what will it be?

        Will you pour your skills and experience into a course that honors your unique genius?

        Will you let go of a discomfort with selling and instead set up your own a system for enrolling students?

        I want you to know that I truly believe it's possible for you to create your own distinctive and profitable program, a program that gives your students the expansive and effective path they're longing for.

        The eCourse Blueprint provides a roadmap, and I'd love nothing more than to be your guide. But whether or not you now decide to invest in yourself and your expertise, I urge you to hang onto this dream.

        Here's why I hope you keep looking toward the day when you've got your own online course: I have seen how it enables creatives, coaches and experts like yourself to impact others, to build their own tribe and grow their authority, to create an income stream based on skills and expertise.

        I've also seen that the events of 2020 have made online teaching more important than ever before.

        So hold onto that dream, and resolve to act on it sooner rather than later.

        Your work deserves this.

        Your clients and students deserve it.

        But most importantly… YOU deserve it

        I’m SO appreciative of your trust in me, and sincerely hope to be able to teach you inside the eCourse Blueprint.

        © 2021 Debbie Hodge, Teach What You Do